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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Federal Student Loan Repayment resumes in October 2023.  For more information, please visit our Federal Student Loans page.

Student Wellness

Medical school is a time of immense academic and professional growth.  As students hone their knowledge base and skill set, they also have the opportunity to expand their sense of self and purpose.  How students interact with the challenges and intensity of the medical school experience has the potential for meaningful self discovery and personal growth.  Honoring students as whole beings, we strive to support and enhance their human experience as they progress through medical school.

We believe that in order to thrive professionally, care for others, and share the human experience with their patients, requires students to nourish and care for themselves.

Wellness at JABSOM

JABSOM is committed to creating a culture of wellness where being healthy and well is understood to be fundamental to thriving as individuals and as a collective.  We seek to do this through building on our inherent strengths, and acknowledging where reforms and improvement need to be made as an organization and the field of medicine.  We also ask for students to be active participants in nurturing and being proactive in their well-being.  As a school we are also working towards creating a healthier environment for our students through faculty/staff development and normalizing self care and seeking help.

  • Educational Program

    • Learning Communities

      • Students are introduced to, and learn about wellness topics
      • Small group discussions around wellness topics
      • Mentor support
  • Personal Support

    • General wellness counseling and support
    • Referrals to appropriate support services
    • Wellness check-ins
    • Small group support (mental/emotional health support, skills building)
    • Individualized learning support (general well-being support & referrals)
    • Financial Aid counseling
    • Student advocacy

OSA Student Wellness

OSA strives to create and promote an environment that allows for vulnerability and imperfection to support self growth, self awareness, and self care.

Wellness support at OSA includes general wellness counseling, referrals to appropriate support services (eg., mental health providers, academic/learning support, Title IX confidential resources or Title IX officer), information dissemination, wellness check-ins, student advocacy, small group support and skills building workshops, and wellness activities.  OSA also works in partnership with students to create and provide meaningful, relevant, and accessible support.

For JABSOM Students:
OSA Student Wellness Website
Services, Support, & Information

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