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Psychiatry Electives

Contact: Dana Iida
Phone: (808) 686-4703

1. Child Psychiatry2. Sub-Internship in Adult Psychiatry3. Geriatric Psychiatry
Program Director/Coordinator: Taryn Park, MD
Location: The Queen’s Medical Center
Department: PSTY
Pre-requisite: 4th year medical student
Duration: 4 weeks; available in blocks A-G
Number of Students: Maximum 1


  • Diagnosis, management and treatment of common emotional/behavioral disorders in children and families
  • Normal growth and development with emphasis on cognitive and psychosocial development
  • Appropriate utilization of various disciplines and agencies for consultation and referral:

    • Social Work
    • Psychology
    • Psychiatry
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Speech/language/hearing
    • Department of Human Services/Family Court
    • Hawai’i Department of Health (DOH)
    • Hawai’i Department of Education (DOE)
  • Interviewing techniques


  • Observation and participation in evaluations and treatment of children and families by the various disciplines
  • Participation in case conferences
  • Individualized supervision
  • Seminars (conference, lectures)
  • Films (videotapes)
  • Literature

The degree of case responsibility will depend on the medical student’s prior expertise. Special interest will be discussed and accommodated, if possible and feasible.


  • Supervisory observation
  • Written evaluation of medical students by instructors
  • Written program evaluation by medical students
  • Chart review
Program Director/Coordinator: Junji Takeshita, MD
Location: The Queen’s Medical Center – Kekela Ward
Department: PSTY
Pre-requisite: 4th year medical student
Duration: 4 weeks; available in blocks A-G
Number of Students: Maximum 1


  • To strengthen skills in psychiatric evaluation and diagnosis
  • To Learn and gain experience in the management of psychiatric inpatients – the psychopharmacologic treatment of major psychiatric disorders, and short-term, goal-directed, supportive psychotherapy


  • Students will be assigned to the inpatient service at the Queen’s Medical Center – Kekela Ward.
  • Faculty or residents on the ward will provide day to day supervision.
  • Coordinator will oversee the supervision and provide direct tutorial input to the student.
  • Students will participate in any ongoing seminars or conferences.


  • Students will receive on-going feedback on their performance and will have an evaluation conference with the coordinator at the end of the sub-internship.
  • Written evaluations of the student and of the experience (by the student) will be developed.
Program Director/Coordinator: Brett Lu, MD
Location: The Queen’s Medical Center, Liliha Nursing Home
Department: PSTY
Pre-requisite: 4th year medical student
Duration: 4 weeks; available in blocks A-G
Number of Students: Maximum 1

Description:  The medical student will see geriatric patients who require psychiatric evaluation/treatment. The settings involved will be inpatient, day program and nursing home.


  • Determine psychiatric care of the elderly with particular emphasis on evaluation and psychopharmacology of dementias, delirium and depressive disorders.
  • Learn about collaborative care of elderly involving working with geriatric medicine team.


  • The student will evaluate/follow geriatric patients in conjunction with the geriatric psychiatry resident and attending.
  • Supervision will involve the geriatric resident and attending.
  • Readings will be patent centered.

Evaluation:  The evaluation will be based on attending and resident feedback.

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